Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why Wedding Photographers Prices are “Wack”

My husband sent me this, and I am in awe of this photographer!!!! Well said! This is being posted just as an insight, not as a rant. Many say that I am too expensive, and not think about all that is involved with our pricing.
Why Wedding Photographers Prices are “Wack”


So, last night I was showing my daughter, who came home to live for a little while, my photo video montages that I created of my work. It was actually really neat for me to rewatch the videos. My goodness, my work has evolved so much since I started. This I find to be a VERY good thing! It means that I have been working on how to perfect my art. I look at the photos and I think "you know what I could have done?"

So, for the next few days, I am going to share my videos of old work, and then I will make a new video, of NEW work. I would love to hear what people think and the differences of my changes!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tipping Your Photographer

Since I have been a professional photographer and before the Groupon happened, I have gotten one tip. I was surprised and happy! But it made me think if it was proper to tip a photographer.

I have worked at places that gives services such as delivering, serving, or making, all which in my opinion you should tip for. You give good service, and people tip you. However it is not an obligation by any means!

As far as photography goes, I think it is appropriate to tip for a service well done. Being a photographer, it is a physically demanding job, not to mention mentally taxing! We stand, sit , kneel and bend in weird positions to get the right angle of our subjects. We have to think how to be creative and original with our compositions of our subject. That in itself is very challenging!

For me personally, I am constantly thinking how to change up my style to make my clients feel unique in my art. Not an easy task I might add! But I do it for the sake of my own satisfaction of knowing I gave it my all.

So, if you ever wonder if you should tip your photographer, I say YES, if they did a job well done!

Monday, January 23, 2012

2012 and Reflections

Here we are at 2012. I am still not where I want to be, but for some reason, my instincts tell me to not give up. To keep moving forward and not lose heart for the art that I love creating! I created a photo montage of my husband and I's career. When I watch this video, it brings me to tears and appreciate my career choice. More than that, I think about all the people I have met, and knowing that they would be disappointed in me to walk away! Including my husband! I hope you enjoy the video!